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We are seeking community input on the extension of the existing quarry. This page will serve as an info hub with project updates and community engagement resources.





Note: All interested Persons are invited, no less than 20 days prior to the CCM, to provide in writing to the Quarry Operator any comments, recommendations, suggestions, and/or concerns that arise from a review of the Quarry Operator’s Application. The entire Application may be reviewed at the Municipal Office, on the Municipality’s website, or an electronic copy may be requested from the Quarry Operator.



Thank you to all for attending the Open House on October 7th. If you were unable to attend or would like to review presentation material, click the link below:

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Zoom Meeting: 


MEETING ID: 880 3340 6249
PASSCODE: Lilyfield

6:00PM CST


Presentation by LQI and MRA on the proposed extension of the Quarry, recap of the Community Consultation Process,
followed by a Q & A session. Anyone present can share comments, concerns and/or suggestions they have. Please note this meeting will be recorded.

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The pre-engagement phase prior to the official CCM resulted in the following key takeaways:




  • Blasting: Attendees appreciated that the scale of blasting has remained small and controlled with no major increases over time.

  • Crushing: Some residents expressed concerns about the steady, low sound from crushing operations, which echoes through the area and affects their ability to enjoy being outdoors, such as barbecuing in the summer.

  • Jackhammers: The noise from jackhammering often begins at 7 a.m. during the week and can affect sleep.

Our Response:


  • The operations are being done within the hours permitted through the Development Agreement.

  • We have been working with sound technologists to conduct the required tests as per the Quarry Permit and Provincial License.

  • Jackhammering locations can be looked at to consider opportunities to reduce impact on the community.


  • Site Progression: Members of the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) voiced frustration over the lack of clear updates on the quarry’s progression which prevents them being able to keep other community members informed.

  • Reports: Attendees requested that health and safety reports from the mine branch be provided on the project website.

  • Project Updates: Additionally, they would like to see more frequent updates on the application and timeline of the project on the website.

  • Open House at the Quarry: Several participants suggested hosting an open house at the quarry to showcase progress and the proposed expansion area.


Our Response:

  • We can ensure all reports and approvals received from the Province and other agencies will continue to be submitted to the RM of Rosser.

  • It has been brought to our attention that a handful of community taxpayers continue to have trust concerns. LQI continues to inform the CAC on current and ongoing activities.

  • Unfortunately, a public tour of the site is not feasible given the safety issues of an active quarry and also a business in operation. However, progress updates will be shared with the CAC, and the RM’s designated officer, Council, and any regulatory body are permitted on the site.


  • Checklist of Progress: Residents would like to see more accountability with the Development Agreement. They requested a checklist detailing which conditions of the agreement have been fulfilled and what is outstanding.

  • Rehabilitation: There was confusion about the rehabilitation process. Attendees asked for clearer communication on what has been completed, what standards are being followed, and more regular updates, preferably with photos.

  • Berms: Several participants noted that berms, which were supposed to be part of the development, have not been planted.

  • Trust Issues: There is a notable lack of trust in the community with all levels of government and the developer to look after the community’s interests. There is also confusion about who enforces the Development Agreement.

  • Expectations: Attendees are concerned about what the extension will look like as it progresses since their initial expectations have not been met,

Our Response:

  • The redacted development agreement is available and can be reivewed by the community members and updates will be provided & discussed through the CAC meetings.

  • Continued updates about the rehabilitation progress will be shared with the CAC. For example, we were working with a local to assist with the planting along the berms but the seed didn’t take. Berms will be reseeded by local forces.


  • Dust Control: Residents noted concerns over the drifting of dust – the winter is especially difficult as you can see the coating on the snow.

  • Water Quality: Attendees would like a second opinion on the impact on water quality in the area.

  • Landscaping: There was a request to see the trees that are on the site remain along the Powerline and Road 69.

  • Wildlife: The animals that inhabited the area have been pushed away because of the Quarry.

Our Response:


  • Landscaping and tree removals are a necessary part of quarry operations, but steps have been taken to minimize impact on wildlife, such as contracting a bird specialist any time a tree is removed to ensure such removal is done with sensitivity and mitigation measures.

  • Dust control is done in accordance with the Development Agreement.

  • Water is tested frequently and reports can be released to the RM of Rosser for review.

  • Trees along the edges of the property are to remain for multiple purposes, including shelter, dust control, sound mitigation, wildlife protection, etc. There are no plans to remove unless needed for safety or hydro improvements.

  • Wildlife continues to inhabit the quarry location, including deer, birds and coyotes.


  • Rehabilitation: Attendees wondered what the site will be used for once the quarry is depleted and rehabilitated. Area residents would strongly prefer the land be given back as a community use for walking trails or agriculture.

Our Response:

  • Currently, there are no set plans for future land uses. The RM of Rosser Council will work with the landowner to determine land use plans.


If you would like to leave additional feedback or have questions about this project, please share them below:

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Lilyfield Quarry is a limestone quarry located in the RM of Rosser. The property is a mile north of the Perimeter Highway, a mile east of PR 236  and two miles west of Highway 7. Sturgeon Road is to the immediate east of the property and has access to the westbound Perimeter Highway. The subject property is three miles from CentrePort Inc. and the Winnipeg Richardson International Airport.


The quarry and its development comply with all Provincial and Municipal regulations and plans. The subject lands are zoned "A80" Agricultural Zone and a conditional use for quarry operations is required. Lilyfield Quarry's aggregate extraction operation is subject to several Provincial regulations including M162 – The Mines and Minerals Act. It is also bound by a signed development agreement between the Municipality and Lilyfield Quarry Inc.


The quarry has been operational since 2020 after receiving all required approvals from various governments including the Province and the local municipality.

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During the initial development approval process and subsequent hearings, extensive efforts were taken to ensure that residents' concerns were acknowledged and addressed to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Provincial Municipal Board. This included engaging qualified engineers to conduct blast impact assessments and environmental quality assessments. The quarry operation must adhere to blasting time restrictions and standards, noise and sound attenuation berming, ensuring appropriate visual conditions, and ensuring water and natural resource conditions are protected. Finally, the quarry operation must rehabilitate the impacted quarried areas to Provincial standards. The quarry operation is monitored by both the Province and the Municipality to ensure compliance.

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Extraction of aggregate (a non-renewable resource) is a key requirement in all infrastructure, construction and transportation improvement projects, including those that are publicly funded. As such, access to it in a timely ‘in demand’ manner, is a critical component to ensuring the economic prosperity of the Province and contributing to the quality of life of Manitobans.


To ensure this important infrastructure remains affordable and the carbon footprint invoiced in transportation is kept to a minimum, these natural aggregate materials must be sourced locally – close to where they are used.

The resource in question is not renewable and extraction of the resource is bound by location. If the reserves cannot be efficiently developed in the Manitoba Capital Region, the option is to go much farther for aggregate materials, dramatically increasing costs and also the carbon footprint involved in transportation. Increased hauling distance has serious economic and environmental consequences.

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The extension of Lilyfield Quarry is the next logical step in the quarry's operations and will be going through a conditional use application with the RM of Rosser. This conditional use will allow the 104900 section adjacent and contiguous to the existing quarry operation to be extracted (see map below). Lilyfield Quarry extension will be operated with the same operational safeguards as per the existing quarry operations, such as regulated truck routes, blasting schedules, and environmental protections, including progressive remediation.

Prior to making an application Lilyfield Quarry Inc. is seeking input from local residents and businesses.

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Lilyfield Quarry Inc. is affiliated with the Munro Group of companies, which consists of Hugh Munro Construction Ltd., Fort Whyte Lowbedding, and CleareSecure RockGlass. Hugh Munro Construction Ltd. is a heavy civil construction company that has been doing business for over 60 years..



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8-3149 RED FIFE RD,


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Summer: Mon – Fri: 7:30AM – 6PM

Winter: Mon – Fri: 8AM – 5PM
Sat – Sun: CLOSED



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